I am an active LDS member, 17 (Young Women). I sort of screwed up in my life, me and my boyfriend (also a member) broke this serious Law of Chastity. I felt so guilty about it, I want to consult my bishop but I’m so scared. Maybe because I want to get married in the temple but because of want happened, I cant. but yes, I screwed my plan and got carried away by temptations. I am also almost at finishing my personal progress but I think I cant find a way to complete it. I’m full of doubt and guilt. I know I’m not worth of that medallion, I wasted my personal progress, also as my chance in marrying in temple. My boyfriend already got the guts to consult our Bishop yet I dont know what should I do. Please help me.


2 Responses to “I am an active LDS member, 17 (Young Women). I sort of…”

Mateo Campos
2017-02-12 10:35:18
Hi sister. I'm sorry to hear that you're facing this challenge and that you've made this serious mistake. I suggest you chat with your Bishop right away about this sin. He's the person who God has chosen to help you apply Christ's atonement in your life.

Resolving this sin is far more important than anything related to a medallion. Your goal of being married in the temple is excellent, but you need to start the repentance process now. There is too much at stake for you to delay!

I know that through Christ you can recover from this sin, sister. I'll leave you with this beautiful scripture from Isaiah: "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool" (Isaiah 1:18).

All the best.
Sky Roim
2017-02-13 12:08:39

Based on you asking this question here, it's obvious that you understand the gravity of your actions and feel guilty about it. That's a good thing. That's the worst you're going to feel. Speak to your bishop. You're young enough and have enough time to deal with the consequences begot you have to do anything major. Better to handle it now than wait until you're getting ready for a mission or marriage to find out you have to postpone that.

If you speak to your bishop now, he will help you work through the repentance process. You're not the first person who's gone through this, and I can pretty much guarantee you won't be the last. He's ordained of God to be able to help you. He will be loving, understanding, and patient. You'll feel SO much better for it.

Unfortunately, I can't speak personally about the repentance process, but I have friends who have been exactly where you are, and they're all glad they spoke to their bishops. I, myself, have had to talk to my bishop about other things that are uncomfortable, but I found him to be very loving and compassionate, and it was more like speaking to a friend than someone with authority who's going to judge me. Your bishop is there to, through Christ's atonement, help you to stay on path.

You'll be just fine to go through the temple soon enough! :-)

If you have questions about the process, you can start by going to LDS.org and look up "law of chastity" or "repentance". It's all going to be okay. :-)

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