I ve been a Baptist my whole life. After reading the BOM that a friend gave me things seemed different for me. I found myself wanting it to be true. I was asked to pray about what I was feeling and with every prayer the desire for its truth was becoming more clear to me. Well here is my question. I don’t know how to reveal this to my family and relatives. I know they will not accept it. Should I keep it to myself until I know for sure whats happening. Thank you


One Response to “I ve been a Baptist my whole life”

Bruno Rios
2016-01-31 14:35:39
Hi David. I'm happy to hear about your growing testimony. There aren't many people who are willing to even consider giving up what's "spiritually comfortable" to them in pursuit of additional truth. I have great admiration for that kind of courage. I hope you continue to study, pray, and learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Family situations like yours can certainly be very complicated. Family members sometimes react negatively because they see conversion to another faith as a rejection of their own faith, but nothing could be farther from the truth. As you well know, there are many beautiful and true things that are taught in Baptist churches. You'd be foolish to give up the true things your parents taught you, but conversion isn't about giving up those truths. It's about adding to them the additional beautiful truths that God has made available through His restored gospel. If you can help your family understand that you're not rejecting the gift they gave you but are rather building on the firm spiritual foundation they provided, perhaps they'll be more comfortable with the idea.

When best to have this discussion with your family is really a personal decision. If you're in the very early stages of learning about the LDS Church, perhaps there's no rush. On the other hand, if you wait too long, your family might wonder why you kept it a secret. You know them best. I suggest, too, that you pray to God for guidance.

I hope this answer helps. Please let me know if you have any additional questions. I'm very happy to help.

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