Hello friends. Rather than a question, I’m looking for some good advice. My boyfriend recently left on his mission. He’s always been a member of the church, but I’m not currently a member. I’ve visited the chapel several times and I really like the church, but I’m worried that he might change his way of thinking on his mission. I’ve always tried to be supportive and to encourage him to serve, but I’ve worried that he’ll forget me, being so far away.

Anónimo from Costa Rica,
(Comment originally posted in Spanish)

4 Responses to “Well my boyfriend forget me on his mission?”

Daniel Paz
2015-05-10 18:48:23
The Church’s missionary program is one of its most recognized characteristics.
Hi friend. It's excellent that you're supporting your missionary boyfriend. It's impossible to predict the future, but I do get the impression that it's far more common for a missionary's girlfriend to break up with him rather than the other way around. Missionaries are typically so focused on their work that they don't have a lot of time to think about ending relationships or starting new ones.

One thing is certain, though. You should continue to learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Regardless of whether or not things work out with your missionary boyfriend, this church could be a great blessing in your life. If you join the church, join because of the blessings that will come to you, not to please someone else. I think you're on the right path!

It's common for people who are investigating the church to have questions. Please feel free to post any questions you might have on this site. We're happy to help.

Best of luck!
2015-06-28 20:43:20

Missionaries: An Introduction.
Hi. My son is serving a mission in Berlin. Let me give you some advice, please.

1. While he is gone, learn all you can about the gospel. Seek out the missionaries in your area and have them give you the discussions. This will give you a better understanding of what he is going through and give you a chance to decide if joining the Church is something you want to do.

2. When you write/email him, DO NOT tell him how much you miss him! He needs to focus 100% on his mission.

3. Please understand that he does care for you, but, while he is on his mission, he belongs to the Lord. He is an Elder and has been set apart to accomplish this important work. I don't even refer to my son by his first name. He is Elder. This calling deserves a high degree of respect. He has the same authority and mantle as Christ's disciples when He was on the earth.

When he comes home, he will seek out an eternal companion. Both of you need to inquire of the Lord If the decision to marry is correct. Mormons marry for time and all eternity. So, the decision is extremely important. If you guys are serious at all about your future lives, you owe it to each other to do all you can to involve the Lord in your lives. As each of you grow closer to Him, the closer you will become to each other.
2015-06-17 22:12:44
I just wanna thanks the Mormon missionaries, that really sacrifices to touch so may lives. Thank you verry much! Specially the missionaries visit at my home. Sister angee lao of Tonga sister shayla clifton and Bethany griffiths of Utah and sister Kenny mae aguinaldo of philippines

I really appreciate it . Now! Im preparing for my baptism. And with all my heart I accept Jesus Christ to be my saviour.
Beth Mayne
2015-06-24 16:14:26
Hi there. All I can say is to continue to support your boyfriend and I would really encourage you to keep learning about the gospel. It's pretty awesome, you can meet the most amazing friends. It's a good life. You don't have to join unless you think it's right to do so.

Also, I think it's really cool that even though you yourself aren't a member, you feel supportive of your boyfriend's beliefs. Continue to be awesome!

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