I do not feel comfortable attending my ward. I relocated here from Las Vegas 2 years ago and don’t feel apart of the Ward or the Community. When I voice my concern to the Bishop or my Home Teachers they brush me off saying it just me. They say you need to mingle. Im tired of going to church and being told I need to be the one who come forward and introduce yourself. I wont do it anymore. At functions my girl friend and I feel were being leared at and I get the feeling since they don’t know us they wont approach us. That seems to be the mentality all over Utah. Its not right. My question is how do I overcome that ?? To feel apart of ?? Please be sincere and don’t give me the standard LDS line I get from fellow Saints who don’t know me. thank you

Anonymous from Elsinore, Utah,

One Response to “I do not feel comfortable attending my ward….”

Samuel Prado
2015-09-06 17:59:59

The story of Joseph Smith
Hi brother. Thanks for your question. It's difficult to answer because I don't understand the context. I've been to wards all over Utah (and the world), and I've never experienced what you describe. And, while it is true that "mingling" isn't the solution to all social problems, it's also true that many people (myself included) would benefit from trying to break out of our social comfort zones.

That having been said, some wards do have a few less-then-friendly members. That's true of almost any large group. Making friends at church is very satisfying for many folks, but it's not actually necessary. The church isn't true because of the friends we have in it. It's true because God restored it in our day, through a modern prophet.

If you don't want to introduce yourself to anyone, don't do it. You don't have to know everyone in your ward. I don't know everyone in my ward! Just be as social as you'd like to be.

Even if it's true that a few people at your church "leer" at you, why do you care? No one is so social that everyone likes him or her. Just seek out the more friendly people in your ward, if the social aspect of church is important to you.

Above all, keep going to church to maintain your faith in Jesus Christ and to have access to priesthood ordinances. Social considerations are secondary. I'm happy to have friends at church, but even if every Sunday morning the members of my ward stood in line and spit in my face as I passed by, I'd still go to church. I'd bring an umbrella, but I'd go. Because the social aspect of the church is far from the most important reason to attend.

I hope this answer helps. Let me know if you have any further questions. I'm happy to help.

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