Engaged couple sleeping in same bed, having sex, staying in a hotel together for several days. Can they do a temple sealing ceremony?


5 Responses to “Engaged couple sleeping in same bed, having sex, staying in …”

Mario Rubio
2008-08-11 04:01:55
If an engaged couple sleeps in the same bed, engages in sexual intimacy, and stays in a hotel together, they are clearly not prepared to enter the temple. Temple preparation includes full repentance and dedication to Christ and His commandments. This couple should repent, change their lives so as to align their wills with the will of God, and begin to prepare themselves for temple worship.

If you know of such a couple, it may very well be that they have already begun the process of repentance. Try to be supportive; the miracle of forgiveness may be active in their lives.
2009-01-30 05:12:20
I have people argue with me all the time that "sleeping next to someone" or "sleeping in the same bed" is not the same as having sex. This is true... However it is increasing temptation. It is "tempting fate" as some would say.

With something as divine, sacred and intimate as sexual intercourse between husband and wife is, it is not something to be taken lightly, tempted, teased, or even joked about outside of marriage. If you are trying to live a righteous life, and trying to follow the mandates of the church, you cannot even afford to allow yourself to come that close to the temptation. "How close can you get to the fire before getting burned?" or "how close can you get to the edge of the cliff without falling?" Is it worth the risk? Is it worth the consequenses if you fall? It is a long and difficult road back.
2008-08-11 04:02:29
No. One of the requirements to enter the temple is living the Lord's law of chastity, which forbids sexual contact outside of a legal marriage - engagements don't count, so to speak. But of course, it sounds to me like you may know such a couple. Worthiness is determined by a personal interview with two church leaders (the individual's bishop and stake president) and people can lie. In that case it's really a matter for the two people involved and I wouldn't let it worry you.
2008-08-18 06:36:28
No, no, no, and no. Do you know of law of chastity? No sex between couples unless they are married.
2008-08-25 06:25:38
No - in order to be worthy of a temple recommend, a couple must live the law of chastity. Their best bet would be to talk to their bishop and start a long repenance process.

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