Thanks for taking the time to read my question. I’m not a Mormon, but I do have a small question: How do Mormons usually dress? How do you guys see other people, for example Catholics like me, when we use short clothing? Thanks for your answer.

Melany from Chimbote- PerĂº,
(Comment originally posted in Spanish)

One Response to “How do Mormons dress?”

Bruno Rubio
2015-04-12 18:58:16
Hi Melany. I'm happy you posted your question and that you're interested in learning more about Mormons. Mormons believe it's best to dress modestly. We avoid shorts or skirts that are too short, or shirts that show too much skin. In our view, modesty shows God that we respect the body that He has given us.

We do think it would be best if everyone chose to be more modest, including those who are not Mormon. That having been said, we recognize that other good people have different views. In the end, God will judge us all based on the intents of our hearts. Sometimes people make mistakes even though there is no bad intent.

When someone who doesn't understand the importance of modesty chooses to wear revealing clothing, they don't typically mean to show disrespect for their body. They don't understand things the same way we do, and we shouldn't judge them harshly. After all, they may well be trying their best to do what's right according to their own understanding.