Hi there, hi have had missionaries visiting me lately and have become very interested in the church. I was told though that i could not be baptised until I am married because a I am not living the law of chastity. I have been with my bf for 12 years and we have a son together and i would love to marry him, thing is we couldn’t afford it. I understand lds weddings are free but we would still need appropriate clothing.

Tbh none of my clothes are probably considered modest, i mainly wear tank tops because they are cheap, and whilst they don’t expose my tummy or anything, my arms and shoulders are never covered.

Anyway, back to the point, we we’re told today that the government had accidentally been overpaying us child tax credits or something so we now owe them money. My bf did some calculations earlier and after he had accounted for rent, bills, uitilities etc we are left with -£10 a month. This is until next april and food isin’t even accounted for! We are gonna have to become anorexics or something i don’t even know, i can’t even begin to think about how we are going to be able to buy anyone a present at christmas….my poor son 🙁

So yeah can’t even have my bf live somewhere else because it would be years and our son would be devastated without his father around. So what do I do? Thanks in advance…


One Response to “Hi there, hi have had missionaries visiting me lately…”

Samuel Santana
2016-10-11 07:12:45
Hi sister. How wonderful that you're considering joining the church! This religion has been a great blessing in my life, and I'm thrilled to hear when others are learning more about it. I hope you find many blessings here too.

Very sorry to hear about these financial troubles. There's a great scripture in the Book of Mormon that explains that God doesn't expect us to run faster than we have strength. That's a metaphor meaning that we should do all we can, but that God understands that sometimes situations are difficult. I think this certainly applies to your clothing situation. Little by little, as your budget allows, you can purchase more appropriate clothing. But for now, since that's not possible, it seems to me you're already doing everything you can.

Since you and your boyfriend are already living as a married couple anyway, I'd recommend not making a big deal out of the civil wedding. Especially since there's an urgent need to get married, and you guys can't really afford a big wedding. I don't think any special clothes are necessary, thankfully.

Anyway, just my two cents, since there's such urgency.

I also strongly recommend that you get the bishop of your local ward involved in this situation. He'll likely be the one to perform the wedding anyway, and perhaps together you guys can explore some temporary solutions to these other problems as well.

These challenges aside, I sure am excited for you! What a wonderful decision you've made, to join this church. I'll certainly pray for you and your family. Please let me know how it all works out. All the best!

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