If a Mormon girl has left her religion to go ahead and become a christian and is working through her walk with Jesus, don’t you think that she would be capable of building a relationship with a firm believer in Christ?

Anonymous from Armidale,

One Response to “If a Mormon girl has left her religion to go ahead and…”

2015-09-28 08:47:10
For members of the church, Jesus Christ is the divine Son of God, our Savior and Redeemer through whom salvation is made possible. (Reflections of Christ)
Hi there! (Sorry, you didn't share your name, so I can't really address you. )

First of all, it's important to understand that "Mormon" is just a nickname for a member of the Church of Jesus Christ (or to use its full name, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). It would be fairly impossible to be a faithful "Mormon"--or Latter-day Saint, to use the preferred term--without being a firm believer in Him. As the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr., the first president of the restored Church of Jesus Christ, put it:

"The fundamental principles of our religion are the testimony of the Apostles and Prophets, concerning Jesus Christ, that He died, was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended into heaven; and all other things which pertain to our religion are only appendages to it" (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, 121).

That being said, I see no reason someone who has left the Church of Jesus Christ couldn't build a relationship with a Catholic or Protestant--at least, not for any reason related to the Church. While Latter-day Saints "claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience," we also "allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may" (11th Article of Faith, http://tinyurl.com/aoffaith11). As Christians, Latter-day Saints are taught to love everyone, regardless of his or her religion or choices in life.

Perhaps you could discuss this with the girl in question?

God bless!

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