I want to know about Mormonism. You have any one in Kerala.

Anonymous from Kerala,

One Response to “I want to know about Mormonism. You have any one in Kerala.”

Felipe Santana
2017-06-25 13:59:49
Hi friend. I'm happy you're interested in learning more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! I love being a member of this church. I hope you find the same peace in this wonderful religion.

Since you're interested in learning more, this page might help you.

You can look up the Mormon chapels nearest your house online. Here are the ones I found:

9 275 Poondy Main Road, Semmadu,, Coimbatore-641114, India

1737 Trichy Road, COIMBATORE, Tamil Nadu, India

I know these chapels aren't that close to your house, but there are certainly ways to live the Christian faith even when you're far from one of our congregations. I suggest you chat online with some of our missionaries about your interest. They'll be happy to teach you more about Jesus Christ. Most people who are interested in Mormonism learn about our basic beliefs from these missionaries.

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