Can a murderer or child molester make it to the celestrial kingdom. Or for that matter the top world. My family and I have been talking to the missionaries lately and my son and I are wondering on this question. Since its the 4th of July weekend we might not see them. Thank you.


2 Respostas para “Can a murderer or child molester make it to the…”

Felipe Delgado
2015-07-04 13:35:14

A life of sin can be cleansed and changed through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
Hi friend. I'm happy you're meeting with the missionaries. I love being a member of this church, and I always get excited when I learn of others who are interested in learning more. Lots of people have questions as they investigate a new faith. Please feel free to post any questions you might have on this site, in addition to continuing to chat with the missionaries.

Your question is very interesting. To be clear, this is a question about an extreme situation. The vast, vast majority of Mormons are obviously not murderers or child molesters. While these kinds of folks can and do infiltrate any group of millions of people, I'd wager that Mormons are a good deal less likely to be murderers and child molesters than the population at large. :)

But your question is interesting from a theological perspective. It would be very difficult for a murderer or a child molester to repent and enter the Celestial Kingdom, but is it strictly impossible? I personally agree with Elder Holland, one of the world-wide leaders of our church, who once said, "...however late you think you are, however many chances you think you have missed, however many mistakes you feel you have made or talents you think you don't have, or distance from home and family and God you feel you have traveled, I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love. It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ's Atonement shines."

I'm no fan of murderers and child molesters, but it's hard for me to see how this statement doesn't apply to them.

Forgiveness doesn't mean forgetting. Even if she had repented, I wouldn't feel safe around someone who had murdered in cold blood (as opposed to killing someone through accident, neglect, or in self defense, which aren't the same as murder). Even if he repented, I wouldn't let a child molester babysit my children, nor would the church allow him to teach or interact with children in an ecclesiastical setting. We all have the right to prudently protect ourselves. But forgiveness in God's eyes is clearly a separate issue. I'd like to think that spiritual recovery is possible for these folks.

It's also worth noting that those who murder and molest often suffer from serious mental illness. Some people do bad things because they're bad people, but sometimes people struggle with biological influences on behavior that are beyond their personal control. God will certainly take health challenges like these into account on the Day of Final Judgment.

I hope this answer helps. Let me know if you have any additional questions.
Chet Cox
2015-07-06 07:57:57
You ask a hard question, and that is good. Question everything, test-drive it, drive it around the block and kick the tires. The Restoration happened and continues because we are encouraged to question the Lord -- He still speaks to His children.

The hard question has a simple - yet hard - answer. An unrepentant murderer or child molester cannot make it to the celestial kingdom.

A sinner whom the Lord has made clean and forsakes his or her sins CAN.

Such a person will have great struggles in repenting. It means accepting the punishment that their legal government will impose. It means more, much more, that only the proper priesthood authorities will advise and counsel - because only the Lord can know what it will take to utterly purge someone of such heinous sins.

If the question is, however, can someone find forgiveness if they actively seek to sin, with the belief that forgiveness is available once they've sinned --- Remember what Jesus warned, in reference such people and millstones around necks.

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