I am from Nepal, and I am a student of engineering. I just lost my scholarship because of my faith in the Book of Mormon. Please pray for me. I want to meet with Mormon missionaries here. But I found that here are not any missionaries. I don’t attend the meeting hall because I don’t know about that, please some one help me to find the kingdom hall in Nepal, I just read the Book of Mormon daily. And search about the mormonism through google.

Nepal from Nepal,

Una Respuesta para “I am from Nepal, and I am a student of engineering. I just l…”

Pedro Cruz
2010-03-07 22:58:48
Hi Amar! It was wonderful to get an e-mail from you. Your story is really amazing! Only one in 50,000 people who visit my site visit from Nepal. That fact alone makes you a rare and extraordinary person! ;)

I'm very sorry to hear that you lost your scholarship because of your faith in the Book of Mormon. Religious persecution is a terrible thing, but I know that God will bless you spiritually for your great sacrifice. Your story reminds me of the story of Vincenzo Di Francesca, an Italian who was also converted to the restored gospel of Jesus Christ by the Book of Mormon. I just posted a video describing his conversion on my website. I hope you like it.

As you perhaps already know from the Internet research you've done, our church is rapidly growing throughout the world, but it has not yet arrived in many lands. Fortunately, there is one small congregation of the church in Kathmandu and about 100 Mormons in the whole country. Unfortunately, a few years ago the Nepalese government forbid foreign missionaries from actively seeking new converts. Since there are not many Nepalese Mormons yet, and because people like you who actively seek out the gospel on their own are rare, church growth in your country faces significant challenges. We desperately need native Nepalese Mormons with strong testimonies of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ who can actively share the gospel message with their neighbors and friends. It's an exciting time to be a Mormon in Nepal! Nepalese Mormons today are the founding members of the church in their country; future generations of Mormons will remember you and your fellow church members as corageous pioneers who helped establish the church in their land.

The LDS ("Mormon") Church in Nepal is affiliated with the India Bangalore mission. You can contact the mission president, President Funk, to learn more about the church in your country and to find out how you can join the church officially. His email address is presidentFunk@indiabma.com. If you'd prefer to send a written letter, his mailing address is:

(277) India Bangalore Mission
Anjali Plaza, 2nd Floor
493 C.M.H. Road Indiranagar
Bangalore 560 038

You may also wish to request a missionary visit through the Church's webpage, though I'm not certain if there are enough missionaries in Nepal to respond to Internet requests. You may have better luck communicating with the mission president directly.

In 2003, the church published an article praising Nepal in one of its official magazines, the Liahona. The article is entitled "Light in the Land of Mystery."

Please let me know if you are unable to contact the Mormon missionaries or if you need any other help. God be with you, brother!

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