I’m not a member, but my girlfriend is. I’m in the process of learning more about how to become a member. But, until recently, my interest wasn’t real. We broke the law of Chastity. My girlfriend went and talked with her Bishop and is now passing through the steps of repentance. At the time I also knew about the gospel and the Law of Chastity, but I’m not sure how to repent. I don’t understand that yet.

Anyway, I have a question. I think she might be pregnant. What is the church’s policy on this kind of situation? I imagine the church doesn’t approve of having children outside of wedlock, but is there some specific rule?

Anónimo from Méxcio,
(Comment originally posted in Spanish)

One Response to “I’m not a member, but my girlfriend is”

Bruno Rios
2016-10-30 18:44:10
The concept of a united family that lives and progresses forever is at the core of Latter-day Saint doctrine.
It's excellent that your girlfriend is talking with her Bishop. I know that through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ she can recover from this sin.

To learn more about how you can repent, I suggest you chat with the Mormon missionaries. Since you're interested in learning more about our church anyway, that seems like a natural next step.

Visiting the church is also important, so you can see how we worship. You can learn the address of the Mormon chapel nearest your house online. Please don't hesitate to visit us any Sunday morning (9:00).

Learning more about the church and attending worship services with your girlfriend is a great way to support her during the spiritual challenges she's facing. Also continue to help her keep the commandments going forward.

If she is pregnant, the best solution is to get married. Every child deserves a mother and a father. Even better would be for you to further investigate the church so your family can be united in its faith. The "Mormon Church" does so much to strengthen families. I hope you and your family can take advantage of that wonderful blessing.

I hope this answer helps.

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