As a relatively new regular member of this wonderful church for over 2 years as a single member over the age of 30 is there by any chance can I go to any singles ward available to my area?

ryan from woodbridge, va,

Una Respuesta para “As a relatively new regular member of this wonderful…”

Diego Leal
2015-04-26 21:42:22
Hi Ryan. Thanks for your question. Coincidentally, one of my callings in the church is to serve as a stake mid-singles committee co-chair here in San Diego. Young Single Adult wards typically range from 18 to 30, though many bishops allow older singles to attend as well. Singles Wards (not YSA wards) range from 30 and up. Some areas (such as San Diego) have mid-singles wards, typically 30-45. Since the system varies from place to place, it's difficult to say for certain what's available in your area. It's certainly worth talking to your bishop about it, though, to find out more. Best of luck!

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