I’m married and sealed to my husband, and he recently asked me for a divorce. I’ve asked him to fight for our marriage together, but he continues to be indifferent. He’s also gone inactive in the church. What should I do? Should I continue to fight for my marriage!

Rachel from Santo Domingo,
(Comment originally posted in Spanish)

One Response to “Sealed for six months”

Felipe Santana
2017-07-23 08:50:48
Through prayer, we can communicate with our Heavenly Father. He’s anxious to guide and help us.
Hi sister. I'm sorry to hear that this has happened to you. A similar thing happened to me a few years ago, so I can appreciate your heartache. God be with you during these challenging times.

Unfortunately, we can't control what other people choose to do, even when their choices harm us. But we can control our own actions. If there's any chance you can save your marriage, sister, I suggest fighting for it. Except in some cases such as domestic abuse, marriages are worth fighting for! Even if your husband chooses to leave anyway, you'll find peace in knowing that you tried your best. That kind of peace is so valuable.

I suggest you talk with your Bishop about these troubles too. He'll be happy to help and comfort you.

God bless you during these challenging times. I'll pray for you.

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