Can two spirits be going on at the same time when conversing with another person? I felt the Holy Ghost very strong when I was talking to a friend about the truthfullnerss of the Book of Mormon and how I know the book is true. This friend said that God. Said to be catreful with parts of the book and other parts he doesn’t. My friend said the Book of Mormon is false I felt a differant spirit and yet I felt the Holy Ghost strongly, iv e had the experoence where someone is speaking angrily at me and I can feel negativity spirit and yet the burning of the bospom manifested stronger as the other person speaks angrily sounds like two opposing spirits at the same time

John from Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,

One Response to “Can two spirits be going on at the same time when conversing…”

Pedro Bravo
2012-02-20 04:46:53
Hi John. I think it is possible to simultaneously have two different spiritual impressions. Certainly God's spirit often contends with Satan's influence and/or our own natural selfishness. It's also possible to simultaneously have two different positive impressions. Sometimes God wants us to make decisions on our own. He may present several good options to us in hopes that we will choose between them. I hope this answer helps!

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