I have tattoos, and have a full length beard, and have dreadlocks, I have been reading the Book of Mormon and want to join the Church will I be allowed to? My family for 4, wife, two boys and myself want to join the Church.

Sean from Johannesburg,

One Response to “I have tattoos, and have a full length beard, and have…”

Carlos Cruz
2020-04-19 18:27:22

Al Fox, the tattooed Mormon.
Hi Sean. Thanks for your question, and I hope you're staying safe amid the COVID-19 pandemic. I'm happy to hear that you and your family are interested in joining the church. I've been a member all my life, and it's brought me a lot of peace. May you find the same joy in this religion one day!

While it's true that the Church generally discourages it's members from getting tattoos, it wouldn't ever prevent anyone from joining. Many converts (and even life-long members) have tattoos in fact. The most famous is Al Fox, the so-called "Tattooed Mormon," who is a popular motivational/inspirational speaker in the church.

I can't think why the beard or dreadlocks would prevent you from joining the church either.

I suggest that you chat with the missionaries online. There are over 60,000 missionaries who teach interested people more about Jesus Christ and the Church. Most people who are interested in our faith learn about our basic beliefs from these missionaries.

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