I like thw Christian Religion. Thos i am a hindu but when i went to church i dont know but i fill peace. I reapect my relegion but still my question is what is the difference between God and religion?

Supriyo from Kolkata,

One Response to “I like thw Christian Religion.Thos i am a hindu but…”

Mateo Duarte
2016-01-31 13:13:19
For members of the church, Jesus Christ is the divine Son of God, our Savior and Redeemer through whom salvation is made possible. (Reflections of Christ)
Hi friend. I'm happy you visited a Christian church. You should love and respect your Hindu heritage. Hinduism teaches many true and beautiful things. Becoming Christian shouldn't be about giving up those truths you've learned in other religions. It's about adding to those truths the many beautiful truths that can be found in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

To answer your question, God is our Father and Creator. He loves us and wants us to return to Him one day. He created religion to help people along that spiritual path.

God has His hand in all religions, which is why there is so much beauty in religion. True religion in general does a lot to help people find peace. But sometimes religions disagree on certain points of doctrine. It's important to find a religion that teaches true doctrine.

It's also important to find a religion that has authority from God to perform sacred ordinances (like baptism). Any religion can claim to have this authority, but it must actually be given by God.

I belong to a Christian Church called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I suggest you chat with my church's missionaries to learn more.

Let me know if you have any additional questions. I'm happy to help. All the best.

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