Hi i was wandering if Missionaries leave a curse on people who slam doors in their face or reject their message? I found this online and wandering if it true, thank you

Anonymous from Knoxville TN,

2 Responses to “Hi i was wandering if Missionaries leave a curse on…”

Ricardo Duarte
2016-06-19 23:50:38
The Church’s missionary program is one of its most recognized characteristics.
Hi friend. It's not appropriate for missioanries to go about cursing people. Aside from being uncharitable, it would be imprudent. Mormon missionaries are rejected A LOT! If they took the time to curse every rejecter, they'd have little time for anything else! :)

Missionary work is about blessing people, not cursing them. I hope this answer helps!
Kouao Kouadio Franck
2016-06-23 01:37:22
I think your question is from the Bible. Right? The Lord said that if you enter in a city and people do not receive you then... You can see that in Matthew.

Now let me answer you. If I come to your home to give you a gift and that you cast me out. How lost? You or me? Actually, it is you. We can compare that like a curse. God is so sad that you do not want to take his blessing.

I believe that there are always two oppose thing In this World. If you do not want a blessing, then you will get a cursing. Sorry but that is it.

For the missionaries, they will not curse anyone. I was one of then and we rather pray for those that shut the door on us so that their heart can be soft.

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