I have been wanting to learn more about becoming a mormon. I am 15 years old and my family is not very religious. I have talked to my parents many times about this matter and they disapprove to it. I was wondering is there anything more I can do to let me learn?


3 Responses to “I have been wanting to learn more about becoming a mormon. I…”

Francisco Rios
2008-04-19 21:15:47
Hi friend. What a tricky situation! Mormonism has been a great blessing in my life, so my impulse is to encourage you to investigate it further, but respecting and honoring your parents is also very important. Why don't you sit down with your parents and calmly explain your situation? Perhaps you can lovingly convince them of your need for something spiritual in your life. Explain your hope that Mormonism might fill your spiritual void. That way you could develop your spiritual self with your parents' help, instead of against their will.

Even if your parents can't support you, I recommend that you continue to respect them. In this case, you could investigate Mormonism on your own by visiting reliable sites like this one, http://www.lds.org, and http://www.mormon.org. Once you turn 18, you could then begin visiting the Church to better take advantage of the warmth and support of the Mormon community.

Hopefully, though, if you calmly explain your spiritual needs to your parents, they'll be supportive. I'm sure they want what's best for you.

Good luck my friend!
2008-04-21 07:05:41
This is a hard item to go into. The 10 commandments state that we are to "Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee."

But they can't, or shouldn't, be able to force you from learning all that you could about the LDS faith, or any other faith for that matter.

Do you think your parents would be against you reading the Book of Mormon? Would they be against getting a subscription to the Ensign, or Liahona magazine? Would your parents have a problem with you inviting over the missionaries to be taught? What about looking into church locations that are close to you and seeing if there aren't families in the ward who would open their homes for the missionaries to teach you there? (go to lds.org to get a subscription for the mags, a free Book of Mormon, or information on church's and/or missionaries around you! )

The possiblilities are endless. Again I wouldn't go behind your parents back on this so clear it with them anything that you're able to.

Pray for your parents and ask our God to help soften their hearts on the matter. Maybe in the end they will be open to having the missionaries teach you, and they might also listen in, be converted, and your entire family can get baptized and sealed one day for eternity... Together forever!

Last thing - you and your parents are all children of God... So to honor your father and mother in that sense would be to follow him.
2008-04-21 07:07:45
Webmaster: A slightly different version of the above answer!

This is a hard item to go into. The 10 commandments state that we are to "Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. "

But they can't, or shouldn't, be able to force you from learning all that you could about the LDS faith, or any other faith for that matter.

Do you think your parents would be against you reading the Book of Mormon? Would they be against getting a subscription to the ensign, or liahona magazine? Would your parents have a problem with you inviting over the missionaries to be taught? What about looking into church locations that are close to you and seeing if there aren't families in the ward who would open their homes for the missionaries to teach you there? (go to lds.org to get a subscription for the mags, a free Book of Mormon, or information on church's and/or missionaries around you! )

The possiblilities are endless. Again I wouldn't go behind your parents back on this so clear it with them anything that you're able to.

Pray for your parents and ask our God to help soften their hearts on the matter. Maybe in the end they will be open to having the missionaries teach you, and they might also listen in, be converted, and your entire family can get baptized and sealed one day for eternity... Together forever!

2nd last thing - you and your parents are all children of God... So to honor your father and mother in that sense would be to follow him.

Last thing.. You only have 3 more years tops till you're a man in the eyes of the government and your parents... Maybe this can be a learning experience in patience.: )

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