I’m a recent convert, and I’d like to know what I should do now. I know there are lots of activities, but what would be the right one for me? I’m anxious to start doing something! 🙂

Marie from Asuncion,
(Comment originally posted in Spanish)

3 Responses to “What church activities are good for a new convert?”

Vicente Silva
2015-05-03 16:20:52
A congregation in Los Angeles, California. Photo by Dale Wight.
Hi Marie. It's so nice to hear from a new convert with such enthusiasm! I hope you continue to be this excited about your new faith for many years to come. Welcome to the church!

As you probably noticed, there are many activities in the church. The only essential ones are the meetings in the chapel on Sunday, and temple worship once you're ready. All the other activities are wonderful, and you're certainly welcome to participate in them too if you like. Here's an incomplete list of some of the other available activities:

1) Family Home Evenings, in family and sometimes with the ward.

2) Relief Society activities for Mormon women.

3) Seminary and institute, religious classes for teenagers and young adults.

4) Young men/women activities for the youth.

5) Elders Quorum activities (such as sports) for the men.

I hope this answer helps. Chat with your bishop, too, about other ideas. I'm happy for you, sister, given the wonderful spiritual journey you're now starting on. God be with you!
2015-06-14 10:22:53

What an awesome attitude you have! It shows that you are really grabbing hold of the joy and light of the fullness of the Gospel! I think the suggestions above are excellent, and will be very helpful for you! I will try to give some that I hope will be a blessing for you as you nurture your excitement and testimony.

- Keep a study journal, and study the scriptures in ways that are meaningful for you. This study journal will be a lifelong treasure (particularly the effect it has on you even more than the journal itself).

- Be friendly with everyone, inside and outside the Church. You strike me as someone who has this talent, and it will let you be a means for the Savior to bless many of His children!

- Attend church meetings each week and try to find one person that you can encourage or compliment. Pray for the Spirit's guidance as you seek to lift others.

These are some of the things which have been gateways for immense blessings in my life. I don't do all of them perfectly all the time, but we are blessed according to our efforts and not necessarily our abilities. Welcome to the Church that Christ Himself leads through a living prophet! May you and your family be greatly blessed for your choices!
2015-06-23 15:14:52
Hi! It really depends on your class. Like, I'm in youth so I would go to Young Women activities once a week. As far as I know, Relief Society (for adult women) meet once a month (or at least they do in my ward). And sometimes there will be activities for the whole ward (again, I'm not too sure) and also stake activities where people from a whole area will gather together. They're usually pretty fun. Hope this it's useful

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