My wife is not a member and wants to go out and dance with friends. What should I do?

(Comment originally posted in Spanish)

2 Responses to “Wife wants to dance with friends”

Samuel Santana
2017-02-19 12:47:34
Hi Ulises. Thanks for posting your question. What is the environment like at these dances? Is it truly just a place to dance in wholesome ways and have fun with girlfriends? Then perhaps there's no harm in it, as long as it doesn't distract from your relationship. On the other hand, is there alcohol or drugs at these dances? Does your wife dance with other men? In that case, she might need to understand that marriage comes with certain responsibilities. She needs to accept those responsibilities together with the many benefits that come with marriage.

I hope this answer helps. All the best.
2017-03-03 03:52:07
Well said.

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