I’ve been in active for 10 years. In these 10 years, I had major problems with my family because of my attitude. A lot of things have changed lately, and I’ve set a goal to come back to the church and to be married in the temple, hopefully with a returned missionary. But my concern is that I broke the law of chastity during my period of inactivity. I’m not currently breaking that law, and I feel a lot of remorse for what I did. I don’t know if a return missionary would even want to be with me because of this sin. I know that true repentance can lead to forgiveness, but I still worry. Thanks for your advice and words of comfort. We all have difficult lives full of mistakes from which we can learn. I’ve learned an important lesson about true repentance. Thanks!

Anónimo from Monterrey,
(Comment originally posted in Spanish)

One Response to “Would a returned missionary want to marry me?”

Diego Miranda
2015-05-10 18:58:44
Temples are considered houses of God, places of holiness and peace separate from the preoccupations of the world.
Hi sister. It's excellent that you want to come back to the church! I love the parable of the Lost Sheep in Luke 15. I encourage you to read it. After the lost sheep returns to the fold, Christ says: "There will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent." Angels in heaven will rejoice when you finally come back, sister! :)

I can tell you truly regret your sins. That's the first step on the way to true repentance. Chat with your bishop next. He'll help you apply Christ's atonement in your life, leading to lasting spiritual healing.

There's no rule or doctrine that would prevent a repentant sinner (all of us!) from being married in the temple to a worthy spouse, ex-missionary or not. It's reasonable that your future fiancé will want to make sure you've put your past life truly behind you. I encourage you to speak openly with him about these things. But once he understands that your repentance is true--that you've really changed your ways and your heart--he should not be bothered by your past.

There may be some few men in the church who will be bothered. To be blunt, anyone who would choose not to marry you because of past sins that have been fully resolved isn't worthy of you. Such a person doesn't understand the redeeming power of Christ's atonement. You wouldn't want to be married to that kind of person anyway.

Fortunately, there are plenty of men and women in the church who are far more enlightened than that. I hope hope this answer helps. Best of luck.

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