Are Mormons allowed to dance with male/female partners and listen to music?

Anonymous from fairfield,

8 Responses to “Are Mormons allowed to dance with male/female partners and l…”

2008-03-13 06:21:58
Absolutely. I'm a 17-year-old mormon, and I love dances. Actually it seems like mormons are better dancers than a lot of other people. At school dances, most people are either grinding (a particularly suggestive dance move, for those not under 25) or just openly making out on the dance floor. It seems like mormons are the only teens anymore who know classy, skilled dances. Personally, my mormon female partner and I have won amateur swing, cha-cha, waltz and salsa dance competitions.

As for music, mormons are very musically inclined. Many mormon youth play the piano, guitar, and other instruments. Many mormon youth sing and are very good at it. They enjoy both gospel and (clean) mainstream songs.
2007-08-20 07:03:29
Absolutely. I'm a 15 year old member of the LDS church, and at times it seems like we hold too many dances. And, for the most part, we listen to the same music everyone else does. I believe that the church wants it's youth to establish strong friendships with everyone, and they understand that dancing and taking part in entertainment together is a very effective way to gain those friendships.
2007-08-20 07:04:44
Definitely. Absolutely. We have dances.
2008-07-13 05:33:01
Benji schwimmer is one of the winners of "So you Think you can Dance" is mormon, as well as several contestants this year I believe. Dancing has always been a part of LDS life.
2008-08-25 06:21:00

I love dancing. I'll be depressed if I couldn't. We dance a lot.
2008-09-01 07:23:00
The movie "State of Grace: God's Army 2" by Richard Dutcher answers this question perfectly, go check it out.
2010-06-15 04:34:49
Yes, yes, yes!!!! I love dancing and singing with friends, and listening to music. Sometimes when things get especially hard music brings me back to myself. Music is wonderful!
2014-05-02 01:07:29
Mormon dances are fun!

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