Dear sir, im Hindu wanted to convert in to Christian. Please guide.


Uma Resposta para “Dear sir, im Hindu wanted to convert in to Christian. Please…”

Gabriel Duarte
2011-12-12 00:17:25
For members of the church, Jesus Christ is the divine Son of God, our Savior and Redeemer through whom salvation is made possible. (Reflections of Christ)
Hi friend. I'm happy you're interested in becoming a Christian. My relationship with Jesus Christ has brought a lot of peace and joy into my life. I've seen the teachings of Jesus bless the lives of many other people too. Of course there are many beautiful teachings in Hinduism. I have a lot of respect for Hindu beliefs, but I'm very happy to have Christ's influence in my life. I hope that influence will bless your life as well.

There are many forms of Christianity, including Catholicism and Protestantism. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints belongs to the restorationist branch of Christianity, meaning Mormons believe that Christ's ancient Church has been restored in our modern days through modern prophets of God.

While Mormonism is distinctively Christian, compared with the other Christian denominations with which I'm familiar, the LDS Church has many teachings that are similar to core Hindu beliefs. For example, the Mormon concept of exaltation is somewhat similar to the Hindu concept of Nirvana. Mormons believe that, through the grace of Jesus Christ, we can make our will one with the will of God and eventually become perfectly united in purpose with Him. The Mormon concept of the afterlife is also somewhat similar to the Hindu concept of reincarnation. We see our progression in the next life as a series of stages or "lives." After death, we enter a new phase or life in the spirit world. Eventually, our spirits and bodies will be reunited in a resurrection (a kind of "reincarnation," if you will), and we'll begin again a new stage or "life" of our existence with God, progressing in His presence. Comparisons between Mormon teachings and the Hindu concept of "karma" can also be drawn.

Mormon Christianity is growing rapidly in India.
I don't want to exaggerate the similarities between the two religions. There are very important differences as well. However, you'll find many similarities between the Hindu faith and the LDS Church that can make your spiritual transition all the easier.

Assuming (perhaps incorrectly) that you live in India, you should know that Mormon Christianity is fairly new in your country. There are currently about 30 Mormon congregations in India. You can visit the Church's Online Chapel Locator to see if there's a Mormon congregation near you.

If you live far from a Mormon congregation, you can still study and embrace Christianity. You can chat with Mormon missionaries online and read about our teachings on trustworthy websites and in the Church's scriptures and study manuals. Christianity is like all other good things in life; the more you invest in it personally, the more benefit you'll derive.

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