i want to get baptized but i cant seem to let go of cigarettes and coffee. what should i do

Anonymous from Sharon Pennsylvania,

2 Respuestas para “i want to get baptized but i cant seem to let go of…”

Luciano Santana
2015-06-21 16:28:54

A young African American man describes the process of his conversion.
Hi sister. It's excellent that you want to join the LDS Church! I really love being a member of this church. It's brought a lot of spiritual peace into my life, providing important comfort in both the happy and challenging seasons. I hope you continue to learn more, both from the missionaries and by visiting church regularly to worship with us.

Overcoming addictions can be very challenging. While some people are able to quit "cold turkey," quitting that way is very challenging for most. I'd recommend setting a schedule for yourself to gradually decrease the amount of cigarettes and alcohol you use. If every week you reduce your use of the these things by 10%, you'll hopefully eventually find it easier to stop using them entirely.

Proper social support is also important. It's much easier to overcome addictions when you have supportive friends who lovingly encourage you and hold you accountable. In some areas the church even sponsors support groups that might be able to help you. Chat with your bishop to learn what programs are available in your area. This manual is often used in these groups and might help you too.

Finally, medical help is also available. There are medications (nicotine patches, medications that act on the central nervous system to suppress cravings, etc.) that can help with tobacco addiction. There are also medications to help with alcohol addiction (e.g., Antabuse, Revia, Campral, etc.). Chat with your doctor to see if any of these medicines might be appropriate in your case.

I hope this answer helps and that you get the help you need! Let me know if you have any additional questions. I'm happy to help.
Beth Mayne
2015-06-24 16:26:02
Missionaries in Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil.
Hi there!

First of all, really really cool that you want to join the church! I bear you my testimony that I know the church is true and that everything that the missionaries teach is what the Lord wants you to know. I know that Joseph Smith was the prophet called to restore the gospel and to translate the Book of Mormon. I know that Thomas S. Monson is the living prophet today.

I know that what you have to overcome is going to be hard. But missionaries in my ward have an investigator who has to go through the same thing. He's made amazing progress and I know that if you pray (and maybe fast?) about it, you will make amazing progress. My advice is: Say to yourself 'Today I am only going to drink _____ cups of coffee and I'm only going to smoke ______ cigarettes. ' Maybe you could replace coffee with another drink like hot chocolate. Then if Caro or Barley Cup is sold near you maybe you could switch to that. That's what our investigator did (through my gran who drinks Caro).

Hope this helps!!! Good luck and I hope you get baptised!

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