Brothers and sisters, I’m very sad right now. My father committed a serious sin and was excommunicated from the church. I have no doubt that he repented of the sin. Despite his mistake, he never left the church. On the contrary, he continued to be strong in the Gospel, going to church every Sunday and never missing an interview with the bishop and the stake president. Unfortunately, he got sick and recently passed away before he was able to be rebaptized. My question is, what will happen to him? Do we need to do his vicarious temple work? What will happen to our family’s sealing? I once asked the state president, but he only answered that God will carefully consider the situation. Thanks for your comments.

AnĂ³nimo from Santiago,
(Comment originally posted in Spanish)

3 Responses to “My excommunicated father died before rebaptism. What will happen to him?”

Mateo Campos
2015-07-24 22:33:42

A life of sin can be cleansed and changed through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
Hi sister. I'm sorry to hear that your father passed away. I'll pray for you and your family. I hope you find God's peace during these challenging times.

It's unfortunate that your father committed a serious sin, but it sounds like he was doing everything he could to recover from it. It would be difficult to continue to go to church and meet with the bishop after being excommunicated. Your father had the courage to do just that. I'm certain he did it because he loves the gospel and wanted to complete his repentance process. And he would have done it, had he not passed away. He must have been a good man, despite his mistakes.

We don't know a lot of the details about what happens after death, but I'm confident that your father will be able to continue his repentance process in the spirit world. He was already on the path to spiritual recovery. God certainly recognizes that and is pleased with your father's extraordinary efforts to make things right. There is no sin that places a person beyond the reach of Christ's redeeming power. Death can't place someone beyond that reach either.
2015-08-12 20:39:18
God would not abandon anyone, unless they willfully abandon him first. For whatever reason, God allowed your father to pass away before his rebaptism. If your father Is truly penitent, then I would not worry for him. He may have to wait a little longer for the "paperwork" to go through, but In the end, all gets judged and sorted righteously
2015-08-13 01:00:50
Who knows, this might have been a test before he went to see how humble he is and that he's ready for the celestial Kingdom. I hope you can find some comfort in these words and that you will soon know where your dad is. I will keep you In my prayers and ill try and find out from others what they believe as I'm sure you won't be the first or the last person to experience this. Have you tried to talk to your stake president or ask if you can contact a member of the 70 If you don't get any answers from your stake president someone will have the answer your looking for