hi i am a hindu but my life is full of unluck,being depressed i decided to be a christian as i’m keen on christianity so it is my request if sir/madam u can guide me how to convert into christian officialy!please! šŸ™

Rohit from kolkata,

One Response to “hi i am a hindu but my life is full of unluck,being…”

Mateo Campos
2016-10-02 10:03:49
The North Visitorsā€™ Center on Temple Square has an 11-foot replica of Thorvaldsenā€™s Christus on display.
Hi Rohit. I'm happy you posted your question here. I'm sorry to hear you're passing through hard times. Becoming Christian doesn't make a person's problems go away, and it doesn't bring better luck. But it does give people the spiritual strength they need to face and often overcome their challenges. I've certainly benefited from the good influence of Christ's teachings in my life. I hope you find the same blessings in this wonderful religion.

I recommend reading this page: https://www.allaboutmormons.com/Blog/hindu-convert-to-christianity.

You might also try contacting some of my church's missionaries. Most people who are interested in the church learn about our basic beliefs from these missionaries. You can chat with them online.

I hope this answer helps! All the best.

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