I’m still investigating the church, mostly because my parents won’t let me be baptized. I want to join one day, and I want to serve a mission!

There’s a boy in my ward who really likes me. I like him too. But he’s going to leave on a mission soon, and I think he wants me to wait for him. I’m far too young to get married, and I’d like to serve a mission of my own. What should I do?

Anónimo from Lima,
(Comment originally posted in Spanish)

One Response to “I like a boy who’s going on a mission!”

Miguel Castro
2016-09-11 14:59:27
The Church’s missionary program is one of its most recognized characteristics.
Hi friend. I'm happy you're investigating the church! It sounds like you're truly not ready to be married. As you said, you're young and plan to serve a mission yourself. Have you talked about all this with your friend?

I think it would be fine to write him while he's on his mission, but it's important that he understand that you write only as a friend. Who knows what will happen in the future, but for now he should NOT see you as his girlfriend, and he should NOT expect you to wait for him (since you haven't agreed to do so).

I think as long as you guys are honest with each other and communicate freely, you'll be able to avoid any problems. Best of luck to you, sister!

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