I’m 14 years old and I was raised a Mormon like my mom but my mom converted because of my dad and doesn’t believe that Joseph Smith is a prophet and that the Book of Mormon is true. What should I do? My father is always talking about how being a Mormon is wrong? My grandparents on my mom side are still Mormon and I want to tell them and go to church but they’ll tell my mom and she’ll tell my dad. What should I do??


2 Responses to “I’m 14 years old and I was raised a Mormon like my mom…”

Leonardo Castro
2016-08-07 18:36:09
Hi brother. My goodness, what a difficult situation! I have such admiration for people who try to be faithful to God even when it's very difficult, even when no one supports them. God will bless you for your dedication!

I suggest you chat with your parents about your sincere desire to go to church. Patiently explain why it's important to you and how it could benefit your life. Perhaps you'll be able to convince them.

If not, know that there are many young people who are in your same situation. Lots of them can't participate in the church for now because of family challenges, so they work hard to maintain their faith on their own. When you turn 18, you'll be old enough to make your own spiritual decisions independent of your parents. But, as I said, that's only likely to happen if you work hard to maintain your faith.

Here are some ideas that might be able to help you:
I hope this answer helps, brother. God be with you during these challenging times. All the best.
Shelly D.
2016-08-13 15:44:01
God will bless you young man. You stay strong and respectful of your parents. You will see one day, that the Lord will use you for a good purpose and your family will be blessed because you have a heart for God and desire to do the right thing. Hang in there.

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