Hi I’m a convert of 10yrs but grew up with friends who were members. Recently my marriage took a turn for the worse due to a over powering mother in law who likes to have her say on almost everything. She threw me out on to the street. And is withholding my children and husband in her care. I’m seeking legal advice but what else should I do besides praying for a good outcome? PLEASE HELP!!!

Anonymous from Auckland NewZealand,

One Response to “Hi I’m a convert of 10yrs but grew up with friends who…”

Fernando Ramos
2015-11-29 12:01:56
A missionary hugging a bishop in Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil.
Hi sister. I'm sorry to hear about these challenges. Aside from contacting a lawyer and perhaps the police (if it is really true that your mother-in-law has effectively kidnapped your children), you ought to chat with your bishop too. It would be ideal if both you and your husband could meet with him to hopefully come to some sort of solution.

I also recommend that the two of you meet with a marriage councilor who shares our Mormon values and believes in trying to preserve marriage.

Hope this answer helps. God be with you during this difficult time.

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