Hi, I believe men are expected to wear a suit and tie to Sunday services in the United States. Is this correct?

(I haven’t owned a suit in 25 years, and would feel very uncomfortable wearing such an outfit again!)

Dave from Camarillo,

One Response to “Hi, I believe men are expected to wear a suit and tie to…”

Manuel Leal
2018-09-30 11:33:37

What is it like to visit a chapel?
Hi Dave. I'm happy you're interested in visiting one of our chapels to see how we worship. Mormons love visitors. I hope you enjoy the visit!

It is tradition for men to wear suits ("Sunday best"), but many don't. I honestly wouldn't worry too much about it, especially if you're visiting. Everyone will understand.

You can learn the address of the Mormon chapel nearest your house online. We generally hold meetings on Sunday morning (9:00).

Please do let me know how your visit goes! Let me know, too, if you have any additional questions. I'm happy to help. All the best.

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