I have read how the LDS church or its prophets have predicted the return of Jesus only to have said prophecy fail. How did it fail since the LDS church teaches that its prophets speak face to face with God?

Also, in the History of the Church, vol.2, p.180-200 (approx.) it states that the first 12 LDS Apostles would live until Jesus returns. Yet, we know they have all died and Jesus hasn’t returned. What happened? How could that occur when the prophets speak directly to God and what they to the people is what God told them to say?

Larry from St. George,

2 Responses to “I have read how the LDS church or its prophets have…”

Gabriel Campos
2015-04-26 18:19:44
The Church is led by prophets and apostles, just as Christ's original church was led anciently.
Hi Larry. Thanks for your question. I've heard the claim that LDS prophets (specifically Joseph Smith) predicted the end of the world would fall on a given date. As I've written elsewhere on this site, it's simply not true. People who make this claim are either trying to intentionally mislead others about Mormonism, or they're confusing Mormons with Seventh-day Adventists.

In fact, Joseph Smith specifically stated he didn't know the day of Christ's coming. In 1844, he wrote "Brethren, when you go home, write this down, that it may be remembered. Jesus Christ never did reveal to any man the precise time that He would come. Go and read the scriptures, and you cannot find anything that specifies the exact hour He would come; and all that say so are false teachers." Here's a link with more information.

I've never heard that the History of the Church suggests the 12 apostles would live until Christ's second coming, and I seriously doubt that claim is true. But even if it is, it's irrelevant. The History of the Church is not canonized, and it certainly doesn't define our doctrine. Most members of the LDS Church haven't even read it and have no need to read it. Your comment is like claiming Anglicanism isn't true because something C. S. Lewis wrote in one of his books turned out to be wrong. Or that a mistake Jerry Falwell once wrote down proves that all of Evangelical Christianity is false. Or that atheism is automatically untrue because of the MANY. STUPID. THINGS. Richard Dawkins has said. :) These folks may be prominent spokesman for their respective movements, but they're not authorized to define those movements or their teachings.

Beyond the details, though, your question suggests a fundamental misunderstanding of Mormon prophets. We don't see prophets and God's puppets who mindlessly speak with Him face to face and then transmit His message infallibly and exactly. True prophecy, like that described in the Bible, is much more organic than that. While LDS prophets have historically (and perhaps today... who knows) occasionally seen God face to face, most of the revelation they receive from God doesn't come from this kind of communication. Like the rest of us, they study a given question out in their mind and then ask God if it's right. They then wait for that "still small voice," as the prophet Elijah so eloquently called it, to provide further direction. The difference is that, unlike us, God has authorized them to receive revelation for the whole church.

I hope this answer helps. Thanks again for the interesting question.
Steve Watson
2015-06-01 00:47:01
We're told not even the Savior knows the date of his return. Only Heavenly Father knows. God has given us many prophecies of Signs of the times or events that will happen prior to the Savior's second coming. A Great earthquake as never before seen (Revelations 16:18) ... The Battle of Armageddon, Zachariah chapters12 to 14. This is when Many wicked countries will wage war against Israel. A great battle will occur called Armageddon. Before Israel is defeated The Lord will rescue Israel at his second coming....

Signs of the times are for the faithful so that they can prepare, be comforted, and not be left in the dark as non believers will be. There are many signs too numerous to mention. Some has already happened some still in the future.

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