What’s the importance of Mormons’s temples?

shermann from benin city,

One Response to “What’s the importance of Mormons’s temples?”

Gabriel Duarte
2015-07-26 11:53:22
The San Diego temple in San Diego, California.
Hi Shermann. Please forgive my delay in responding to your question. I'm happy you posted it here. There are two common forms of worship in Christianity: didactic and ceremonial. Didactic worship centers on teaching. Sermons, Sunday-school lessons, and catechisms all fall in this category. Ceremonial worship involves sacred practices, like sacraments, Easter and Christmas ceremonies, etc.

Both of these kinds of worship are important in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Our didactic worship occurs mostly in buildings called "chapels," where Mormons meet every Sunday. There are also a few ceremonies that are performed in chapels, such as the Lord's Supper, which we call "the sacrament." Chapels are open to anyone who wants to worship with us. You can learn the address of the chapel nearest your home online, in case you want to visit.

Our ceremonial worship occurs mostly in buildings called "temples," the most sacred spaces in the Mormon faith. These ceremonies help Mormons understand their relationship with God and unite families together forever (not just until death). Mormons would love it if everyone would come visit the temple too, but temple worship requires a lot more preparation than chapel worship. If you'd like to prepare yourself to one day worship in one of our temples, I encourage you to chat with some of our missionaries. They'd be very excited to help you. There is a temple in Nigeria, as you may know.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions. I'm happy to help.

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