Hi. I’m not yet a member, but I’ve gone to church a couple times. I really like it. I’ve been learning from the missionaries and feel like yours is a church that helps people follow God. They want me to be baptized.

Anónimo from Guatemala,
(Comment originally posted in Spanish)

3 Respostas para “Should I be baptized?”

Fernando Campos
2015-05-03 16:47:12
For members of the church, Jesus Christ is the divine Son of God, our Savior and Redeemer through whom salvation is made possible. (Reflections of Christ)
Hi friend. It's excellent that you're interested in learning more about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, known popularly as the "Mormon church." I've been a member of this church all my life, and it's been a great blessing. I know it's difficult to make major life decisions like which religion to follow. But most good things in life come from doing hard things. "Mormonism," when lived correctly, is a huge source of spiritual peace for millions of people. I hope you continue to carefully consider joining this church!

Baptism is a very sacred ordinance. It symbolizes your desire to become a disciple of Christ by joining and participating regularly in His restored church. Make that decision carefully, but don't delay more than is absolutely necessary. Don't let the fear of change prevent you from making a change for the better.

Lots of people who are investigating the church have questions. Please feel free to post any you might have here. We're happy to help!
Beth Mayne
2015-06-24 16:37:35
Hi there!

I'm a member of the church and I can't begin to explain the love I have for it! It is pretty awesome.

All I can say is, pray about getting baptised. Pray about the Book of Mormon. Pray about the gospel as a whole thing. I know the Holy Ghost will bear witness to you the answer that you need but the prayer must be sincere or you won't really know for sure.

I bear my witness that this church is true. I know that, like the Bible, the Book of Mormon is true. I know it was translated by the prophet Joseph Smith who also restored this church. I know that Thomas S. Monson is the living prophet today. I know that families can be together forever and that temples are the houses of God. I know that we are all sons and daughters of a very loving Heavenly Father. I know that Jesus died for our sins. I am very thankful for the missionaries who serve for 18/24 months to tell people like you about the joyous gospel.

I hope you receive an answer to whether to get baptised or not. Take care
Rizza King
2015-06-17 22:26:59
I really interested and I really like the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I'm not yet a member, but I keeping listening and learned about this Church and most specially about the gospel of Jesus Christ. How I wish! This year, it happen my baptism.

Thank you to the missionaries to continues spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you missionaries for the sacrifices.

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