Can I serve a mission with an emotional illness?

Hi brothers and sisters. I’m 19 years old, and my greatest desire is to serve a mission. The problem is I have some limitations because of emotional problems. I have attention deficit disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Unfortunately I don’t take any medication for it, Because there was a lot of confusion related to my diagnosis. Before I turned 17, they switched around the diagnoses. This left me feeling powerless and with a certain fear of psychologists.

Neither my mom nor my brother support or understand why I’m different, and they don’t understand that it’s not my fault that I have this trouble (they’re not members). Even when I was bullied as a child, they didn’t support me.

I’m plenty intelligent. I absorb information quickly, even though I can’t maintain concentration for more than 10 minutes and I’m hyperactive. Because of the OCD, I also often have unpleasant thoughts that I can’t avoid.

When I go out with the missionaries, I really feel great. But sometimes I get so focused on my fight against my own thoughts that I can’t concentrate enough on preaching.

Everyone in the church really wants me to go to the mission field, but I’m worried that these challenges Will be even more problematic when I’m a missionary. I feel Heavenly Father’s love more now than ever. Should I serve or not?

(Comment originally posted in Spanish)

One Response to “Should I serve a mission despite my mental illness?”

Leonardo Leal
2015-07-20 02:03:31
Hi brother. It's excellent that you want to serve a mission. Emotional health problems are no different than other kinds of health challenges. If they can be well controlled with medication and life-style changes, they need not interfere with missionary service. It is true, though, that sometimes health problems do make full-time missionary service impossible. I suggest that you work carefully with your doctor and with your bishop to see whether or not missionary service is possible in your case.

If you're unable to serve because of these challenges, you shouldn't feel one wit of shame. God will accept your willingness to serve just as He'd accept your actual service, if it were possible. And even if you're not able to serve a full-time mission, there may be other opportunities for you to serve in your local area.

God loves you very much, brother. He knows and understands your struggles. These struggles can make you spiritually stronger, as frustrating as they may be. God bless you as you make your way.

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