A simple list of questions, blog articles, and testimonies, ordered by date.
I think I’m in love with another man. When I got married I was confused. At that point, I had already started to have feelings for someone else. But I decided to get married to the man who is now my husband anyway. I thought that what I felt for the other person would pass in time, after I got married, but that’s […] (April 12, 2015, 1 comment)
Should I get married at 18? I’m a member of the church, as is my boyfriend. I’m 18 years old and he’s 26. We really want to get married now. We’ve been together for five years. I know that the difference in our ages is a lot but we really love each other! We want to start our life together, and […] (April 12, 2015, 1 comment)
Religious marriage without legal marriage? Can someone get married in the Mormon Temple without also being married legally by the state?[IMPORTANT][IMPORTANT] (April 12, 2015, 1 comment)
How do Mormons dress? Thanks for taking the time to read my question. I’m not a Mormon, but I do have a small question: How do Mormons usually dress? How do you guys see other people, for example Catholics like me, when we use short clothing? Thanks for your answer.[IMPORTANT] (April 12, 2015, 1 comment)
Should I return to my mission? Before I went on my mission, I asked God if I should go and felt like the answer was no. I went anyway, and after six months I was sent home. I’ve waited three months now trying to decide if I should return, and I feel like the weight of the decision is doing me […] (April 12, 2015, 1 comment)
I’m so ashamed that I broke the Law of Chastity. Hello. I’m a recent convert, and I feel really bad because I broke the law of chastity. I’m so ashamed. I know that I need to talk to my bishop about this, but I feel so bad that I betrayed my boyfriend. I love him and I’m so remorseful for having done this. I’m worried […] (April 12, 2015, 1 comment)
Cathlic I was raised and told to go to hell. I was treated badly in Cathlic School as a kid, A priest put his hands on me as a young girl I quit church and disliked Catholics after that. I always wanted to be a morman and always told jerks that hit on me in nightclubs I was a Morman girl with 5 kids to […] (April 4, 2015)
Can an older person join who has bad habits such as cursing (not in God’s name) but general non vulgar cursing. Can a new Mormon women join if her husband and dad disagree and are Christians? Can I dye my hair frugally and not pay 10% if I don’t have a job but live off […] (April 4, 2015, 1 comment)
General Conference: April, 2015. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will hold its worldwide semi-annual General Conference this weekend, April 4-5, 2015. Sessions will be held at 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM on both days, Mountain Standard Time (Utah time). The current time in Utah is: Tweets about “#ldsconf” (April 4, 2015)
I sometimes wonder if I should belong to the Mormon Church. I have a horrible past. I never hear others saying anything bout doing the type of things I have done. I’m a woman. During my 1st marriage I cheated on a regular basis on my husband. I’m an alcoholic and have done drugs. This […] (April 3, 2015, 3 comments)
My friend is Mormon don’t drink coffee but can she have coffee for her friends cing for dinner. (March 24, 2015, 1 comment)
What if you “fall in love” or just like a mormon more then a friend. Could they tell their parents tht they have the same feelings? (March 15, 2015, 2 comments)
Did mormons encounter any natives when moving west to Utah. Did mormons encounter any natives when moving west to Utah? (March 11, 2015, 1 comment)
Just how Mormon is Utah? I’d like to know exactly what percentage of the population of Utah is Mormon. I’ve heard that it is 60%, but someone said that it has gone down in recent years. It’s for one of my daughter’s school projects. Thank you very much.[IMPORTANT] (March 1, 2015, 2 comments)
Should I be baptized or not? Good evening. I’m not sure if I should be baptized or not. My family doesn’t really have any religion, and it would seem strange to them. But I really like the church and the missionaries have suggested baptism. I’m supposed to tell them what I think tomorrow. I wish I could be more sure before […] (March 1, 2015, 2 comments)
How can I maintain our relationship when my boyfriend will be gone for two years? Hi. My boyfriend will leave on his mission in a few months. I’m not a member, but I know that it’s something he really wants to do. I support him and am proud of him. I am a little bit nervous, though, because I won’t see him in these two years. How can I maintain […] (March 1, 2015, 2 comments)
Can I still serve a mission and marry in the temple? I broke the law of chastity with a man who isn’t a member of the church. I confessed my sin and am currently working through the repentance process. Will this prevent me from serving a mission or marrying in the temple? Thanks for your help.[IMPORTANT] (March 1, 2015, 2 comments)
Do Mormons have to obey without questioning? When someone joins the church, are they required to obey without ever questioning?[IMPORTANT] (March 1, 2015, 1 comment)
Should women wear skirts? Why do some religions require women to only use skirts? Why can’t women use pants? Please provide biblical scriptures. Thanks.[IMPORTANT] (March 1, 2015, 1 comment)
I’m Hindu. How can I convert to Christianity? Introduction I’ve been surprised at the number of messages this site receives from Hindus interested in learning more about Christianity. This article is designed to help those who wish to become Christians. There are many denominations within Christianity, as in Hinduism (e.g, Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Shaktism, Smartism, etc.). I’ve found great joy in a worldwide Christian church […] (February 16, 2015, 4 comments)
Is it possible for me to confess to a bishop in some other city or country anonymously? Allow me to elaborate: I’m a member since I was old enough to get baptized but I stopped going frequently to the church many years ago because only one of my parents was committed. I watch pornography since […] (February 15, 2015, 2 comments)
I have sinned and I hate myself now. It all started when I was little like 5-6 years old when I discovered pornography I think it never got really serious until when I was about 10 and actually watch it for the first time. I was pretty much addicted to it but that time I […] (February 14, 2015, 4 comments)
Help Hugo’s Fight Against Cancer. The artist Hugo Lara. My good friend Lucia recently told me her brother is struggling with cancer. He lives in Ecuador and doesn’t have the means to pay for his treatment. Her family is raising money for his medical bills on GoFundMe.com. Please click here to donate. I don’t typically post things like this, but Lucia […] (January 29, 2015, 1 comment)
I’m from Peru. Should I be baptized? Hi. My name is Santiago Olivera. I’m from Peru, and I’ve been going to the Mormon church for a while now. I like it a lot, and they want me to be baptized. But I think I just want to continue being a member. I’m not sure what to do. Should I be baptized? Thanks […] (January 25, 2015, 1 comment)
Why is it mandatory to confess to the bishop/branch pres after breaking the law of chastity? What will happen to me if I only repent to God and I don’t talk to my branch pres about it? I’m 21 and I broke the law of chastity a few times with a guy friend of mine. […] (January 9, 2015, 2 comments)
Hello! I am wondering how I should pay tithe? I work from home caring for children. I make very little money. However, I sometimes receive child support, and I get a tax benefit from the Canadian government. Do I pay tithe on everything? Or just my meager salary? (January 5, 2015, 3 comments)
I am considering Baptism into the Church but I am terrified to tell my husband. He is not spiritual and he has been to our other church before but isn’t a believer. When I brought up the subject almost 2 years ago he got angry and asked why I would bother switching when I had […] (January 4, 2015, 3 comments)
I want to be baptized into the LDS Church. I have been studying and praying and speaking with missionaries. But in my past, over 10 years ago now, I lived a horrible sinful life. I drank, did drugs, had sex with multiple people, I was broken. The worst thing that I ever did was I […] (December 28, 2014, 7 comments)
What is the Mormon belief on Evolution? I have heard from some sources that there have been prophets who have specifically spoken on the subject of evolution and said that it isn’t real and other sources have said that LDS prophets haven’t really said much about the subject except that Adam was the first man. […] (December 16, 2014, 3 comments)
Sam’s Christmas Wish. My grandpa George Durant recently published a book entitled “Sam’s Christmas Wish.” I thought I’d share the promotional video here. George is a wonderful grandpa. I feel lucky to be his grandson. 🙂 “As endearing and timeless as Pearl S. Buck’s CHRISTMAS DAY IN THE MORNING, this new Christmas classic is sure to become a […] (December 10, 2014)
Free Christmas Music from the Tabernacle Choir! In the spirit of Christmas, five wonderful Christmas songs have been hand-selected as a free gift from the Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square. Click this link to download the five-song sampler! (December 10, 2014)
Is leaving the church considered to be “the unpardonable sin” of denying the Holy Ghost? (December 4, 2014, 2 comments)
A lady I work with Is retiring tomorrow and we are giving a lunch for her I know she is a Mormon and would like to make her last day a good one, can u tell me what food she can eat, I know all about the caffeine ect (December 3, 2014, 1 comment)
How can I convince my mom to let me become a Mormon? My mom is very opposed to me getting involved in the Mormon Church. I don’t know what to do to help her understand that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is great. I think the problem is that my family is very Catholic. I don’t know what to do. (November 30, 2014, 1 comment)
How can I get excited about going to church again? I’ve been a member of the church for 12 years. My son went on his mission when he’d only been a member for two years. Many good things have come into my life since then, but for the past three years I’ve only been going to church two or three times a year. Every Sunday […] (November 30, 2014, 1 comment)
The marvelous and magic Mormon world. A little help please! I have a Mormon friend. I’m not Mormon. I feel like we’re in love, but I noticed that he’s worried because I’m not part of your community. It’s a little bit difficult. I’ve recently come to understand how important marriages are in your beliefs. Every day I’m learning a little bit […] (November 30, 2014, 1 comment)
I returned to my sin. I broke the law of chastity and went to talk with my bishop. He helped me pass through the repentance process. But sometime afterwards I went back to my old sins. I don’t know what’s going to happen to me. I feel so much remorse. (November 30, 2014, 1 comment)
I feel lost. Yesterday I got back from a young single-adult convention, and the truth is I’m not feeling very well spiritually. I haven’t gone to church in the past six months, since my sister left on her mission. I managed to get a job, and I’m about to graduate from the University, but I feel like I’m […] (November 30, 2014, 2 comments)
Been sealed for six months. I was sealed six months ago. Before I got married, I knew my husband was addicted to pornography. I decided to forgive him, and he started the repentance process. He promised me that he would never do it again. But now he’s fallen into the old habits once again. I don’t know what to do. […] (November 30, 2014, 2 comments)
So I must admit I’ve been doing some research lately and though I had never heard of it I was recently informed that before the year 1990 or so there used to be some sort of a death covenant that members of the church would take in the temple, but I’m not sure if it’s […] (November 23, 2014, 1 comment)
Hi, I’m feeling a little weird for ask you that because I know I should talk to my bishop about it, but anyway, I am divorced and I met a guy who’s still on the process of his divorce, so, I feel really good about him, but I don’t know what to do, if I […] (November 18, 2014, 2 comments)
I relate to what is written by other inactive members…. I relate to what is written by other inactive members on this site. Although I am not really as active as many church members, I do feel close to God. Although I have areas that need improvement, I know that God is pleased with me. I just struggle a lot with wanting to be at […] (November 15, 2014, 1 comment)
Is it normal during mortality to have our faith tested through faith crisis off and on? I have a very strong faith and trust in the Lord and I have a very personal relationship with God and Jesus Christ. I am a convert of the LDS church and I come from a protestant evangelical born […] (November 10, 2014, 3 comments)
Should I divorce my husband? I’ve been thinking that maybe I should just divorce my husband who I married seven months ago. He isn’t a member, we don’t have a lot of time vested, but I just can’t help but think that he will never join the Church and we will never be sealed so this is all a waste […] (November 2, 2014, 1 comment)
My family members and all other people realated to me and others are giving me too much torcher, Thats y I want to convert to Christanity (November 2, 2014, 1 comment)
Hi, I’m a 16 year old girl. I’ve been dating a guy for over a year and a little while ago, we started to break the law of chastity. We didn’t go “too far” and don’t plan to. We actually promised each other that we’ll never have premarital sex. Anyway, the things we do are […] (October 29, 2014, 1 comment)
Hi! I was just recently baptized and am so excited to be LDS! I first learned about the church five years ago from my best friend. A few months ago I started dating her brother whom I have been good friends with for six years now. We went on a few dates in high school […] (October 7, 2014, 2 comments)
Free Ancestory.com Accounts. Just made an interesting discovery online. The LDS Church has partnered with ancestory.com and other commercial genealogy databases to grant members of the church free access. Very exciting! Here’s the link with more information. (October 5, 2014, 1 comment)
I’m dating a member of your church. I don’t belong to your church, but I’m starting to go out with a Mormon woman. I respect her beliefs, but being a Mormon is not in my plans. I’m attracted to her just the same and I’d like to have sex with her, but if I’m not mistaken your church doesn’t allow that. What […] (October 5, 2014, 2 comments)
Did I sin against the Holy Ghost. I broke the law of chastity. Lately I’ve started thinking that that sin was a way of worshiping Satan. I knew the influence of the Holy Ghost, and I feel like I’ve now sinned against it. Does that mean I’ve committed the unpardonable sin? When I was baptized I promised to worship the Savior. I […] (October 5, 2014, 2 comments)