A simple list of questions, blog articles, and testimonies, ordered by date.
Do Mormons eat pork and other unclean animals forbidden in the Bible? (October 6, 2015, 1 comment)
General Conference: October 2015. #ldsconf Tweets (October 4, 2015)
I like know life of mormons in Utah I think it is very nice. I have a dream visit Utah and know life mormon. (September 22, 2015, 1 comment)
If a Mormon girl has left her religion to go ahead and become a christian and is working through her walk with Jesus, don’t you think that she would be capable of building a relationship with a firm believer in Christ? (September 21, 2015, 1 comment)
Did jesus or the heavenly father write the ten commandments. Did jesus or the heavenly father write the ten commandments. (September 7, 2015, 1 comment)
I do not feel comfortable attending my ward…. I do not feel comfortable attending my ward. I relocated here from Las Vegas 2 years ago and don’t feel apart of the Ward or the Community. When I voice my concern to the Bishop or my Home Teachers they brush me off saying it just me. They say you need to mingle. Im tired […] (September 4, 2015, 1 comment)
How can I be baptized? I need help. I’ve been investigating the church together with my family. I’d really like to be baptized, but my parents aren’t yet ready to make that decision. They don’t want me to be baptized yet either. I’m a minor. The truth is that there isn’t anything in the world I want more than to […] (August 30, 2015, 1 comment)
How can I pay for part of my mission? What should I do? I really want to serve a mission but I don’t have the financial resources to do so. My mom has the money, but she’s not a member and doesn’t understand the importance of serving a mission. My bishop told me that the church could help, but I’d really like to at […] (August 30, 2015, 1 comment)
Why would a missionary be sent home early? What are the reasons that a missionary might come home early?[IMPORTANT][IMPORTANT] (August 30, 2015, 1 comment)
Do Mormonism believe that there are many planets out there ruled by many Gods? Is it also true that Mormons believe that Jesus and Satan are brothers? How did the African race came about? Who is Elohim? (August 30, 2015, 1 comment)
Hi. I was a convert into the church. I have been inactive for about 8 years now. During that time I have gotten tattoos and smoked cigarettes. I also got married to my boyfriend but we aren’t legally married we just had a ceremony for ourselves and God. Will I be excommunicated if I go […] (August 25, 2015, 1 comment)
Do I need to confess my sins to my parents? We don’t have a bishop, so I went to my stake president to confess that I violated the law of chastity. I’ve very repentant and I want to go to the temple with my boyfriend. The president asked me to tell my parents, but I don’t want them to know. I’m prepared to go through […] (August 23, 2015, 2 comments)
Should I give up my dream to be sealed? Thanks ahead of time for your help. I was an inactive member, but two months ago I came back after 10 years. I have a boyfriend, and we’ve been together for 5 years. He’s Catholic from birth, together with his whole family. We don’t have any children and we don’t live together. But a few […] (August 23, 2015, 1 comment)
I want to be a missionary, but I’m a vegetarian. What should I do? I need some advice. I’m getting ready to serve a mission, but I’m really worried about food. I’m a vegetarian because I love animals, and I know that Christ doesn’t want us to eat them. I base this view on D&C 89:12-13. But I don’t know what my attitude should be around other members, especially […] (August 23, 2015, 1 comment)
Men’s long hair? Consider long hair worn by men. What’s immodest about that? I know a number of men with long hair. The young people accept them and follow them as leaders without batting an eye. But there are some older members who criticize the “lack of modesty” or the “lack of doctrinal understanding.” That’s just not how […] (August 23, 2015, 1 comment)
Is my guilt appropriate? I feel so confused. I’m in the process of overcoming an addiction. This morning I woke up a little depressed, thinking I should just give in once again. As if, for a brief moment, nothing really mattered. But I decided not to give in. It took all my efforts, but I did it. It’s just […] (August 23, 2015, 1 comment)
Should I accept my Mormon boyfriend’s faith? My boyfriend is Mormon, but I don’t share his beliefs. I respect his faith just the same. Will the fact that I don’t profess his same religion be a problem for us? I’m entirely certain he’s the only person I’ll ever love, but I don’t think I should join his religion just because I love […] (August 23, 2015, 1 comment)
Why are there bad Mormons? If the church’s rules are so strict then why do your members so often not follow them? I know a member who’s currently with 4 or 5 women. He’s irresponsable with his kids, and I never see him going to the temple. But he’s Mormon. He’s a really antisocial person. I’ve been reading a lot […] (August 23, 2015, 1 comment)
I’m pregnant out of wedlock. Can I still be sealed? I had relations and am pregnant. I’m so remorseful. I’d like to know if I can still be married and sealed in the temple with my partner, who will soon be a member too.[IMPORTANT][IMPORTANT] (August 23, 2015, 1 comment)
Can I get a Book of Mormon in Italian? Hi! I’d like to get a Book of Mormon in Italian. Can you help me? Thanks![IMPORTANT][IMPORTANT] (August 23, 2015, 1 comment)
Can I be baptized if I’m a minor, and also if I’m not a virgen? Can I be baptized if I’m a minor, and also if I’m not a virgen?[IMPORTANT] (August 23, 2015, 1 comment)
Paris Thomas: An Amazing Mormon. I recently rewatched this youtube video about Paris Thomas. What an amazing young man. He came from a very challenging backgorund, but had the courage to let the gospel change his life. And now he’s studying, serving in the church, and making amazing “I’m a Mormon” videos. Hope you enjoy. Paris Thomas: Amazing Mormon (August 9, 2015)
Should I serve a mission despite my mental illness? Can I serve a mission with an emotional illness? Hi brothers and sisters. I’m 19 years old, and my greatest desire is to serve a mission. The problem is I have some limitations because of emotional problems. I have attention deficit disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Unfortunately I don’t take any medication for it, Because there […] (August 9, 2015, 1 comment)
How can I get officially married when my husband doesn’t have the proper paperwork? Last year I accepted Christ into my life and my heart, but I was already in a relationship with a man who I consider to be my husband. I would really like to be officially married to him so I can serve God, but he doesn’t have his paperwork in order and doesn’t have the […] (August 9, 2015, 1 comment)
My excommunicated father died before rebaptism. What will happen to him? Brothers and sisters, I’m very sad right now. My father committed a serious sin and was excommunicated from the church. I have no doubt that he repented of the sin. Despite his mistake, he never left the church. On the contrary, he continued to be strong in the Gospel, going to church every Sunday and […] (August 9, 2015, 3 comments)
Should I continue to live in sin? I hope you can help me. I’m LDS, born in the covenant, and I fell in love with a gentleman who is not a member of the church. He’s a very good person, and we already have a baby together. We’re very much in love, but he doesn’t want to marry me because he’s studying […] (August 9, 2015, 1 comment)
Can someone with dreadlocks be a Mormon? Hi. I want to be a member of the church but I have dreadlocks. I don’t smoke, I don’t believe in strange things. I just want to get on the right spiritual path that God and Jesus Jesus Christ have set for me. Will you guys accept me with my hair? thanks.[IMPORTANT] (August 9, 2015, 1 comment)
Hi, I am Hindu now, i am very frosted , because i have lots of loans approx 10 lacs, Can you give me Rs. 10 Lac. if you solve my fin problems, I surely change my religion from Hindu to cristioan. (July 9, 2015, 2 comments)
Can a woman be sealed twice? Can a woman be sealed twice? (July 7, 2015, 1 comment)
I really interested and I really like the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I’m not yet a member, but I keeping listening and learned about this Church and most specially about the gospel of Jesus Christ. How I wish! This year, it happen my baptism. Thank you to the missionaries to continues spread […] (July 4, 2015, 1 comment)
Can a murderer or child molester make it to the celestrial kingdom. Or for that matter the top world. My family and I have been talking to the missionaries lately and my son and I are wondering on this question. Since its the 4th of July weekend we might not see them. Thank you. (July 3, 2015, 2 comments)
What’s the importance of Mormons’s temples? What’s the importance of Mormons’s temples? (June 28, 2015, 1 comment)
quest Ce que le baptem pour les morts. quest Ce que le baptem pour les morts (June 18, 2015, 1 comment)
i want to get baptized but i cant seem to let go of cigarettes and coffee. what should i do (June 18, 2015, 2 comments)
I need the address and phone number of the branch and of the missionaries in islamabad, pakistan. thanks, mir (May 29, 2015, 1 comment)
Should I be baptized? Hi. I’m not yet a member, but I’ve gone to church a couple times. I really like it. I’ve been learning from the missionaries and feel like yours is a church that helps people follow God. They want me to be baptized.[IMPORTANT] (May 16, 2015, 3 comments)
How can I recover from a terrible sin? I think my husband has forgiven me. We were married in the temple seven years ago and have a beautiful son. A while back we separated, and I had a relationship with another man for a few months. I’ve now returned to my husband and to the church. I’m in a very painful place in […] (May 16, 2015, 1 comment)
What church activities are good for a new convert? I’m a recent convert, and I’d like to know what I should do now. I know there are lots of activities, but what would be the right one for me? I’m anxious to start doing something! :)[IMPORTANT] (May 16, 2015, 3 comments)
Well my boyfriend forget me on his mission? Hello friends. Rather than a question, I’m looking for some good advice. My boyfriend recently left on his mission. He’s always been a member of the church, but I’m not currently a member. I’ve visited the chapel several times and I really like the church, but I’m worried that he might change his way of […] (May 16, 2015, 4 comments)
Would a returned missionary want to marry me? I’ve been in active for 10 years. In these 10 years, I had major problems with my family because of my attitude. A lot of things have changed lately, and I’ve set a goal to come back to the church and to be married in the temple, hopefully with a returned missionary. But my concern […] (May 16, 2015, 1 comment)
Should I stay with my anti-Mormon boyfriend? I broke the law of chastity and am now nine months pregnant. My boyfriend was a recent convert at the time, but now he tells me that he doesn’t want to be Mormon anymore. He’s antagonistic. He also doesn’t want our baby to be Mormon, and now even smokes. I don’t know what to do. […] (May 16, 2015, 2 comments)
Can I use jeans in church? Hello. I’m not a member of the church, but I’d like to be. My boyfriend is a member and is currently serving a mission. What I want to know is, if I become Mormon will I be able to use jeans? I don’t like dresses very much. Thanks.[IMPORTANT][IMPORTANT][IMPORTANT] (May 16, 2015, 2 comments)
Can parents mistreat their children? I have a question. Is it okay for parents to mistreat their children? My mom thinks she has the right to mistreat me. When I complain about it, she just reminds me that she’s the mother. I’ve done things in the past. I haven’t been the best daughter in the world. I failed at times […] (May 16, 2015, 2 comments)
I have read how the LDS church or its prophets have predicted the return of Jesus only to have said prophecy fail. How did it fail since the LDS church teaches that its prophets speak face to face with God? Also, in the History of the Church, vol.2, p.180-200 (approx.) it states that the first […] (April 25, 2015, 2 comments)
Do Mormons believe in Jesus Christ is Lord? What do you believe about God? (April 16, 2015, 2 comments)
As a relatively new regular member of this wonderful church for over 2 years as a single member over the age of 30 is there by any chance can I go to any singles ward available to my area? (April 15, 2015, 1 comment)
How long do I have to wait to go to the temple? Hi everyone. I’m a recent convert. It’s been four months since my baptism, and I’d like to know how much time I have to wait before I can go to the temple to do vicarious work. I’ve understood that I need to wait a year, but someone recently told me that any worthy priesthood holder […] (April 12, 2015, 1 comment)
I broke the law of chastity. What should I do? What happens if someone violates the law of chastity, goes through the repentance process, but ends up committing the same sin again? This person is just getting ready to go on a mission. She doesn’t want to delay her mission and is very sad and confused.[IMPORTANT] (April 12, 2015, 1 comment)
Do I need to marry to have relations? Is someone gets divorced because one of the spouses committed adultery, why can’t the other have sex with a new person without getting married / sealed?[IMPORTANT][IMPORTANT] (April 12, 2015, 1 comment)
Consequence for adultery. I committed adultery. What consequence am I looking at?[IMPORTANT] (April 12, 2015, 1 comment)