One good way to learn about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is to watch videos produced by members of our church. Pay careful attention to your feelings as you watch. God may touch your heart. He will testify of the truth, but it’s up to you to act on His promptings. May God bless you.

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Currently Playing: The World's Strictest Parents: Utah
   by BBC
   Category: Family
Description: The BBC recently produced a wonderful documentary about wayward teenagers that features a Mormon family. Rarely does the media portray Mormons in so favorable a light.The family featured is in some ways an atypical Mormon family. Most Mormons don't home school their children, for example, and most don't sing in barbershop quartets. Also, most Mormons don't pledge allegiance to the flag every morning. 😉 This particular family is from a fairly rural area and so is not quite as cosmopolitan as many city-dwelling Mormons. That having been said, there's no denying that they do a fantastic job showcasing the Mormon lifestyle, values, and culture. Hope you enjoy the documentary! Warning: There may be some crude language in these clips. I say "may" because I can't always understand what those Brits are saying!

A 20 Year Old Harvard Undergrad ...

African Mormons

African Mormons

Apostasy and Restoration

An Apostle's Easter Thoughts on ...

Are Mormons Christian?

Are Mormons Christian?

Are Prophets Necessary Today?

Are We Christians?

Attending a Mormon Church Servic...


Between Heaven and Earth

Bigotry in America

Book of Mormon

The Book of Mormon

The Book of Mormon - Made Simple

Book of Mormon - Pepsi Commercia...

Book of Mormon: Jesus Christ Ame...

Brand New Year

Charity: An Example of the Belie...

Church Grows in the Dominican Re...

Church Helps Fight to Eradicate ...

Continent-Wide Day of Service in...

Crucifixion of Christ

Do Mormons Worship Jesus Christ ...

Ecuador Microfarming Project

Events in the Life of Christ

A Family Baptized

A Father Indeed

Finding Christ in Mormonism

Finding Hope

Glenn Beck on Mormonism (Not Pol...

God's Words Never Cease: The Bib...

Hospital Ship Staffed by Volunte...

How Rare a Possession

Humanitarian Efforts Review

Jean - Mormon Beliefs Mormon Con...

Jesus Christ is the Mediator

Joseph Smith

LDS Stake Growth

Lessons I Learned as a Boy

Let Us Be Men

The Message of the Restoration

The Miracle of the Holy Bible

Missionary Training Center

Mormon Ad - Homefront - Runaway ...

Mormon Ad - Homefront - SciFi

Mormon Ad - Homefront 91 - Swash...

Mormon Belief in Life After Death

Mormon Christian Debate - Mormon...

Mormon Commandments

Mormon Conspiracy

Mormon Familes and Temples

A Mormon Firefighter-Paramedic

The Mormon God

The Mormon Jesus

Mormon Messages: Elder Christens...

Mormon Messages: The Blessings o...

Mormon Messages: Why Mormons Bui...

Mormon Missionaries

Mormon Missionaries - Made Simple

Mormon Myths - Made Simple

Mormon Prophets and Apostles

Mormon Teen Beliefs - What Mormo...

Mormon Temple - Mormons feel clo...

Mormon Temples - Covenants and T...

Mormon Temples - Made Simple

Mormon Temples - Mormons Baptize...

Mormon Temples - Temple Work for...

Mormon Temples - Why do Mormons ...

Mormon Temples: LDS Temple Marri...

Mormon belief - God Loves You

Mormons Belief in Jesus Christ -...

Mormons Provide Aid Following Hu...

Ninjormon Ep 1 - Mormon Ninja

Ninjormon Ep 2 & 3 - Ninjanaries...

The Only True God & Jesus Christ...

Priesthood for Mormon Men of Eve...

Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Temples Around the World

The Testimony of a Prophet

Vicarious Baptisms

Virtue: For Such a Time as This ...

The Women in our Lives

The World's Strictest Parents: Utah

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